
Looking for a Trusted and Local Oilfield Electrician Near Odessa, TX?

Safe and Efficient

Electrical safety and efficiency in the oilfield environment can be a complex necessity – but that’s where Petroplex Field Services shines. We’re a local favorite among oilfield electrician services throughout Big Spring, Crane, Kermit, McCamey, Midland, Monahans, Odessa, Stanton, and many other surrounding TX communities. We serve clients of every size, ensuring that their equipment is connected safely and securely to reliable electrical power sources. We’ve been in the industry for a long time, and we understand the demanding conditions of the challenging environment that you work in. Our focus is on training and professional expertise to help you reduce downtime and enhance your everyday operations.

Turn-key Electrical Service

We provide oilfield electrician services for commercial businesses as well as oil and gas processing facilities, fluid management service companies, and the entire midstream sector. Our priority is to provide electrical installation and maintenance along with fabrication and turn-key services to clients that have mechanical, electrical, and construction needs by simplifying the process of completing the electrical work. As part of our full suite of electrical service offerings, Petroplex Field Services also manufactures a variety of high-quality electrical switch racks and pump skids.

Have Questions?

If you have any questions regarding our oilfield electrician services or if you would like to discuss the needs of your oilfield, please contact us today!
